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Bhagavada Geeta Saar
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 Physics Formulae




The motion is said to be one dimensional if it takes place on a straight line path and can be   described with the help of only one space coordinate.

The speed is defined as the distance covered by the body per second or the rate of change of distance with time. It is a scalar quantity.


Average speed:

The ratio of the total distance covered and the total time taken. The unit of speed in C.G.S. system is centimeter per second and meter per second in M.K.S. or S.I. system. Thus,

Average speed


Average Velocity:

Average velocity is defined as the total displacement divided by total time in a particular direction. Its unit in C.G.S. system is centimeter per second and metre per second in M.K.S. or S.I. system, Thus,

          Average Velocity


Acceleration is defined as the rate of change of velocity with time. It is a vector quantity and expressed in ms-2. Increase in velocity per second is acceleration.

The acceleration is uniform if its velocity changes by equal amounts in equal intervals of time. It is variable if it changes by unequal amounts in equal intervals of time. The unit of acceleration in C.G.S. and M.K.S. respectively centimeter per sec. and meter per second per sec. The dimensions of acceleration is LT-2. The decrease in velocity per second is retardation.



Acceleration due to Gravity (g):

The acceleration of a freely falling body due to earth’s attraction is called acceleration due to gravity.


 Motion under Gravity:

If a body falls under gravity then all the equations of motion are applicable to such motion. The only difference is that ‘a’ (acceleration) is to be replacement by ‘g’ (acceleration due to gravity)

If this body is moving up, then g is negative and if the body is falling then g is positive. When a body attains maximum height, then at this points its final velocity becomes zero. The following points are to be remembered for the bodies in vertical motion:

  1. The maximum height attained by a

          Motion under gravity,  Motion, Physics Formulae

  1. The time taken to reach the highest point = The time taken to reach the point from where it is projected

          Motion under gravity, Motion, Physics Formulae

    The total time taken by a body in going to the maximum height and falling back to  the projected point

         Motion under gravity, Motion, Physics Formulae,       


  iv.  When a body strikes the same point from where it was projected, the velocity becomes the same as that of the velocity of projection.


The rate of change of displacement with regard to time of an object is called the velocity of the object. It may also be defined as the speed of the object in a particular direction, it is a vector quantity. Its units and dimension are same as that of speed.

           The unit of velocity in C.G.S. system is centimeter per second and meter per second in M.K.S. or S.I. system.

       Velocity, Motion

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